Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fireworks in Bartlett!


Hello all... it was nice to be able to spend an evening around here with family and friends – including many of you! =) Yesterday afternoon (as has become an annual 'thing')... a whole lot of people met over at the Granzow's house for dessert and games and general hanging out... followed by the walk over to the soccer fields for fireworks. Bartlett usually puts on a pretty good show... and at about 9:30, that familar loud 'whomp!' signaled the start of this year's display! My dad... a bit of a photo geek since he got his Nikon D-200 last December [rolling my eyes]... took this shot! Plenty more where that came from... just ask him! =)

Nice evening! And now I am finishing up laundry and packing once again... and heading for Memphis (thank you, thank you very much) in the morning. More from the road... later!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

About halfway there...


Hi folks! What's that? I look a little tired in this photo? After a cancelled flight... an unexpected overnight stay in Albuquerque, NM... and mechanical problems on the morning flight out... YES... I am tired! Hard to believe that my summer travels are almost to the halfway point now. In a couple of short days, I'll be heading off to Memphis (thank you, thank you very much!), Louisiana, and then back again to Memphis (thank you, thank you very much!). I'll be leading student trips this whole next month... something I've done a lot of over the last several years. Yeah... a whole month out on the road before I'm home again.... and enjoying home cookin'. These are great times... but can be very tiring as well as the heat of summer wears on. So when you think about it... I would appreciate prayer for perseverence and wisdom as I'll be in constant contact with these students and closely involved in their lives over the next few weeks! Pray that God will make a difference through me... and their time 'out there' with LeaderTreks.

And tonight? Fireworks, of course! =) And some good food!