Saturday, April 28, 2007

Back to Reality

Vacation is over now and it is time to get back to work. Sorry... this update is a later than I wanted it to be but I was gone then my 'blog manager' (my dad) was gone and time just slipped away. So what did you miss in the last few weeks? Well, at LeaderTreks we had a youth pastor breakfast and invited youth pastors from all over. Bo Boshers from Willow Creek gave a great talk on 'living at 212 degress'.... which in simpler words means living a transformed life, up to your full potential. His favorite quote was 'we live below our privledge'. There's something to chew on for a little while. We aslo had a few youth pastors from all over the country here as part of a new advisory pannel we started. They are gave us great insight into our curriclum, trips and training events and how we can improve them. It's been a busy few weeks!


On a personal note, about a week ago I moved back into my mom and dad's house. So you will be able to find Auburn and I there for the next few months. Please keep me in your prayers as I make decisions about where I will live in the fall, and for arrangements for Auburn throughout this summer.

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