Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Office Life!

“Lauren... what do you do when you're NOT on trips?'
A few weeks, maybe month ago now, I told you about part of what I do here at the LeaderTreks office. Now I'll tell you about the other side of my job... the Director of Trips. It may be easier to tell you what is not included in this role. =)

After someone buys a trip and all the details regarding money, etc., are worked out and the contract is signed... the trip gets turned over to me. From September to February, I am the youth pastor's contact for their next summers trip. During that time it's like I am working on a puzzle, that seems to have no right or wrong answer. Where do I place all of our staff for the summer trips? I put this puzzle together in different ways, many times, and in the end have to rely on the Lord's leading to make it all work well. After the trip leaders are assigned, the trip details are then handed off to the individual trip leaders. From this point on I become the accountablility person. Good communication makes each youth pastor we work with feel less like 'just' a customer and more like a partner. It's my job to make sure our trip leaders are creating partners. After I assign the trip leaders I set up the trip sites, make arrangements for VBS on each site, housing for the teams, rides to and from the airport. I plan the work projects each group will be doing on their trip. Once the summer trips begin, my job changes to a quality control supervisor. I go and visit sites and make sure our trip leaders are running trips correctly. I make sure that youth pastors are happy with the trips. I pretty much make sure that the quality of LeaderTreks trips are everything we promised they would be.

After the summer trips are over, I take all the evaluations from the youth pastors and consider how we can improve trips for next summer. That is my job! =) I almost feel stressed seeing it all typed out. But at the same time excited about the responsibility and level of influence the Lord has entrusted me with. And now I gotta get back to that job I just told you about.

1 comment:

russlowe said...

Hi Lauren!

Your dad turned me onto your blog. We are "guitar buddies" and I think he checks my blog out on ocassion too.

Glad to see you are putting your talents to further God's word. Keep it up!

A blog is great to use to communicate to your friends and those who support you. I think other missionaries should consider this medium as well. Many of the missionaries my family support send email newsletters, but I think using the blog and having photos on it is far more reaching. Besides those who have the address and check in, you can reach others around the world as well. And, it's easy to give the address to someone you meet and they can read all about you. Can't do that with an email newsletter unless you go back and resend that message to the new person you meet!

I'll check in on you here every now and then!
